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10.5555/1671011.1671026acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesbcs-hciConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Using augmentations as bridges from concrete to abstract representations

Published: 01 September 2009 Publication History


We describe a pedagogical approach supporting the acquisition of abstraction skills by apprentices in logistics. Apprentices start with a concrete representation in the form of a small-scale model which aims at engaging them in learning activities. Multiple External Representations are used to progressively introduce more abstract representations displayed on paper-based forms called TinkerSheets. We present the implementation of this approach on the TinkerTable, a tabletop learning environment which is used in two professional schools by four different teachers. We report observations of the use of the environment at different stages of the curriculum with first- and second-year apprentices.


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  • (2013)Flights in my handsProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/2470654.2481300(2175-2184)Online publication date: 27-Apr-2013
  • (2012)TinkerLamp 2.0Proceedings of the 7th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning10.1007/978-3-642-33263-0_6(65-78)Online publication date: 18-Sep-2012
  • (2010)Portable form filling assistant for the visually impairedProceedings of the 24th BCS Interaction Specialist Group Conference10.5555/2146303.2146343(269-277)Online publication date: 6-Sep-2010
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  1. Using augmentations as bridges from concrete to abstract representations



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Other conferences
      BCS-HCI '09: Proceedings of the 23rd British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Celebrating People and Technology
      September 2009
      532 pages


      • British Computer Society: BCS



      BCS Learning & Development Ltd.

      Swindon, United Kingdom

      Publication History

      Published: 01 September 2009

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      Author Tags

      1. multiple external representations
      2. tangible user interfaces
      3. vocational training


      • Research-article


      BCS HCI '09
      • British Computer Society

      Acceptance Rates

      Overall Acceptance Rate 28 of 62 submissions, 45%


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      Cited By

      View all
      • (2013)Flights in my handsProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/2470654.2481300(2175-2184)Online publication date: 27-Apr-2013
      • (2012)TinkerLamp 2.0Proceedings of the 7th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning10.1007/978-3-642-33263-0_6(65-78)Online publication date: 18-Sep-2012
      • (2010)Portable form filling assistant for the visually impairedProceedings of the 24th BCS Interaction Specialist Group Conference10.5555/2146303.2146343(269-277)Online publication date: 6-Sep-2010
      • (2010)Task performance vs. learning outcomesProceedings of the 5th European conference on Technology enhanced learning conference on Sustaining TEL: from innovation to learning and practice10.5555/1889250.1889258(78-92)Online publication date: 28-Sep-2010

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