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View all- Selvaraj NFields B(2010)Developing a framework of common information space (CIS)Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Collaboration and technology10.5555/1887532.1887559(281-296)Online publication date: 20-Sep-2010
Grounded Theory (GT) is used within HCI research, but nuances and more modern interpretations of the method are rarely discussed. This paper has two intentions: to offer guidance on practical issues when applying GT, and to clarify the space of ...
Grounded Theory (GT) has proved an extremely useful research approach in several fields including medical sociology, nursing, education and management theory. However, GT is a complex method based on an inductive paradigm that is fundamentally different ...
Innovative organizations are increasing their use of distributed teamwork, but there are several difficulties in reaching shared understanding between the team members in these settings. A lack of awareness of other team members' working processes is ...
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