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10.1145/1709886.1709892acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesteiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Feeling the beat where it counts: fostering multi-limb rhythm skills with the haptic drum kit

Published: 24 January 2010 Publication History


This paper introduces a tool known as the Haptic Drum Kit, which employs four computer-controlled vibrotactile devices, one attached to each wrist and ankle. In the applications discussed here, haptic pulses are used to guide the playing, on a drum kit, of rhythmic patterns that require multi-limb co-ordination. The immediate aim is to foster rhythm skills and multi-limb coordination. A broader aim is to systematically develop skills in recognizing, identifying, memorizing, retaining, analyzing, reproducing, and composing polyphonic rhythms. We consider the implications of three different theories for this approach: the work of the music educator Dalcroze (1865-1950 [1]; the entrainment theory of human rhythm perception and production [2,3]; and sensory motor contingency theory [4]. In this paper we report on a design study; and identify and discuss a variety of emerging design issues. The study demonstrates that beginning drummers are able to learn intricate drum patterns from haptic stimuli alone


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cover image ACM Conferences
TEI '10: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction
January 2010
414 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 24 January 2010


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Author Tags

  1. dalcroze
  2. embodied cognition
  3. entrainment
  4. guidance
  5. haptic drum kit
  6. haptic interaction
  7. instruction
  8. multi-limb coordination
  9. polyphonic rhythm
  10. rhythm
  11. sensory motor contingency
  12. temporal patterns
  13. vibrotactile


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