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10.1145/1718918.1718971acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescscwConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Sources of errors in distributed development projects: implications for collaborative tools

Published: 06 February 2010 Publication History


An important dimension of success in development projects is the quality of the new product. Researchers have primarily concentrated on developing and evaluating processes to reduce errors and mistakes and, consequently, achieve higher levels of quality. However, little attention has been given to other factors that have a significant impact on enabling development organizations carry the numerous development activities with minimal errors. In this paper, we examined the relative role of multiple sources of errors such as experience, geographic distribution, technical properties of the product and projects' time pressure. Our empirical analyses of 209 development projects showed that all four categories of sources of errors are quite relevant. We dis-cussed those results in terms of their implications for improving collaborative tools to support distributed development projects.


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CSCW '10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work
February 2010
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Published: 06 February 2010


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  1. collaborative tools
  2. concurrent engineering
  3. dependencies
  4. distributed development
  5. errors
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