Cited By
View all- Henkel ZRashidi NRice AMurphy RBillard AKahn PAdams JTrafton G(2011)Survivor buddyProceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction10.1145/1957656.1957795(387-388)Online publication date: 6-Mar-2011
Recent developments in multi-touch technologies have exposed fertile ground for research in enriched human-robot interaction. Although multi-touch technologies have been used for virtual 3D applications, to the authors' knowledge, ours is the first ...
Despite the relatively young age of Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) as a field, there is a large volume of research on advances in robot hardware, software and behavior. The goal of this article is to survey trends in social robot design,...
As robots become more pervasive, operators will develop richer relationships with them. In a 2 (robot form: humanoid vs. car) x 2 (assembler: self vs. other) between-participants experiment (N=56), participants assembled either a humanoid or car robot. ...
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