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SimplyEngine-WComp: plate-forme de prototypage rapide pour l'Informatique ambiante basée sur une approche orientée services pour dispositifs réels/virtuels

Published: 07 July 2009 Publication History


In this paper, we describe the joint research between Simplysim company and the Rainbow research group to lead to SimplyEngine-WComp platform as a web service for device oriented platform to rapidly and dynamically prototype applications in a 3D virtual environment using physical devices to interact with. This experimental product is the result of the dual expertise of both organizations in the fields of 3D environment real time simulation and services for devices oriented approaches to design ubiquitous applications. The SLCA model and WComp middleware, made by the Rainbow research group are already validated by prototypes of multi-devices systems, complete the SimplyEngine made by Simplysim to propose a complete platform to prototype dynamic physical and virtual systems. All the conditions are met for prototyping incremental and scalable applications for ubiquitous world. Then the accuracy of the prototype depends on the number of virtual devices replaced by physical devices. This replacement is realized by a simple research, discovery and substitution of services.


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Index Terms

  1. SimplyEngine-WComp: plate-forme de prototypage rapide pour l'Informatique ambiante basée sur une approche orientée services pour dispositifs réels/virtuels



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    UbiMob '09: Proceedings of the 5th French-Speaking Conference on Mobility and Ubiquity Computing
    July 2009
    98 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 07 July 2009


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    Author Tags

    1. composite web services
    2. input/output devices
    3. ubiquitous computing
    4. virtual and augmented reality


    • Research-article




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