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ManyNets: an interface for multiple network analysis and visualization

Published: 10 April 2010 Publication History


Traditional network analysis tools support analysts in studying a single network. ManyNets offers these analysts a powerful new approach that enables them to work on multiple networks simultaneously. Several thousand networks can be presented as rows in a tabular visualization, and then inspected, sorted and filtered according to their attributes. The networks to be displayed can be obtained by subdivision of larger networks. Examples of meaningful subdivisions used by analysts include ego networks, community extraction, and time-based slices. Cell visualizations and interactive column overviews allow analysts to assess the distribution of attributes within particular sets of networks. Details, such as traditional node-link diagrams, are available on demand. We describe a case study analyzing a social network geared towards film recommendations by means of decomposition. A small usability study provides feedback on the use of the interface on a set of tasks issued from the case study.

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  1. ManyNets: an interface for multiple network analysis and visualization



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    CHI '10: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    April 2010
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    Published: 10 April 2010


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    1. exploratory analysis
    2. graphical user interface
    3. information visualization
    4. interaction
    5. network analysis
    6. table interface


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