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LayerPaint: a multi-layer interactive 3D painting interface

Published: 10 April 2010 Publication History


Painting on 3D surfaces is an important operation in computer graphics, virtual reality, and computer aided design. The painting styles in existing WYSIWYG systems can be awkward, due to the difficulty in rotating or aligning an object for proper viewing during the painting. This paper proposes a multi-layer approach to building a practical, robust, and novel WYSIWYG interface for efficient painting on 3D models. The paintable area is not limited to the front-most visible surface on the screen as in conventional WYSIWYG interfaces. We can efficiently and interactively draw long strokes across different depth layers, and unveil occluded regions that one would like to see or paint on. In addition, since the painting is now depth-sensitive, we can avoid various potential painting artifacts and limitations in the conventional painting interfaces. This multi-layer approach brings in several novel painting operations that contribute to a more compelling WYSIWYG 3D painting interface; this is particular useful when dealing with complicated objects with occluded parts and objects that cannot be easily parameterized. We evaluated our system with 23 users, including both artists and novice painters, and obtained positive experimental results and feedback from them. The user study results demonstrate the efficacy of our novel interface over conventional painting interfaces.

Supplementary Material

JPG File (p811.jpg)
AVI File (p811.avi)


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cover image ACM Conferences
CHI '10: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
April 2010
2690 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 April 2010


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  1. 3d painting
  2. depth segmentation
  3. wysiwyg interface


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