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View all- Squicciarini ACaragea CBalakavi R(2017)Toward Automated Online Photo PrivacyACM Transactions on the Web10.1145/298364411:1(1-29)Online publication date: 3-Apr-2017
- Wang XZhao XZhou JXu M(2017)A unified framework for flickr group recommendation based on tetradic decomposition2017 4th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS)10.1109/ICCSS.2017.8091429(300-305)Online publication date: Jul-2017
- Squicciarini ACaragea CBalakavi RFerres LRossi GAlmeida VHerder E(2014)Analyzing images' privacy for the modern webProceedings of the 25th ACM conference on Hypertext and social media10.1145/2631775.2631803(136-147)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2014
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