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Connecting users and items with weighted tags for personalized item recommendations

Published: 13 June 2010 Publication History


Tags are an important information source in Web 2.0. They can be used to describe users' topic preferences as well as the content of items to make personalized recommendations. However, since tags are arbitrary words given by users, they contain a lot of noise such as tag synonyms, semantic ambiguities and personal tags. Such noise brings difficulties to improve the accuracy of item recommendations. To eliminate the noise of tags, in this paper we propose to use the multiple relationships among users, items and tags to find the semantic meaning of each tag for each user individually. With the proposed approach, the relevant tags of each item and the tag preferences of each user are determined. In addition, the user and item-based collaborative filtering combined with the content filtering approach are explored. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is demonstrated in the experiments conducted on real world datasets collected from and citeULike website.


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  1. Connecting users and items with weighted tags for personalized item recommendations



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      HT '10: Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia
      June 2010
      328 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 13 June 2010


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      1. personalization
      2. recommender systems
      3. tags
      4. web 2.0


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      HT '10
      HT '10: 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
      June 13 - 16, 2010
      Ontario, Toronto, Canada

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