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View all- Ramayah B(2018)Detecting Emotional Changes among Visually Impaired Users in Complex and Non-Complex Layout using Neuro-Physiological SignalProceedings of the 2018 7th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications10.1145/3185089.3185119(302-305)Online publication date: 8-Feb-2018
- Ramayah BJaafar A(2017)Analysis of Visually Impaired Users’ Navigation Techniques in Complex and Non-complex Layout by Using SpectrumAdvances in Visual Informatics10.1007/978-3-319-70010-6_4(43-49)Online publication date: 29-Oct-2017
- Grober PKoster J(2016)An Analysis to Overcome Shortcomings to Improve the Accessibility for the Blind: A Case Study on Facebook's Homepage2016 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS)10.1109/SITIS.2016.75(442-449)Online publication date: 2016
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