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panOULU conqueror: pervasive location-aware multiplayer game for city-wide wireless network

Published: 15 September 2010 Publication History


We present the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel pervasive location-aware multiplayer game. In the game teams of players try to score points by conquering the real-world access points of a large municipal wireless network. The game is implemented as a web service so that playing the game does not require any dedicated game software or hardware, but a general purpose WLAN device such as a laptop or a smart phone equipped with a web browser is sufficient. The game was empirically evaluated with a four-week long tournament involving 96 players in 31 teams. The players found pervasiveness, location-awareness, social interaction and addictivity as the best parts of the game. The main finding of our study is that location-awareness combined with a rather modest level of pervasiveness can go a long way in creating engaging gaming experiences.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
Fun and Games '10: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fun and Games
September 2010
170 pages
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  • IBBT
  • JIM
  • Microsoft Belgium
  • Softkinetic


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 15 September 2010


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  1. pervasive computing
  2. pervasive gaming


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Fun and Games '10
Fun and Games '10: Fun and Games 2010
September 15 - 17, 2010
Leuven, Belgium


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  • (2017)Anarchy or Order on the StreetsProceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play10.1145/3116595.3116614(101-113)Online publication date: 15-Oct-2017
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