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The Austrian way of Wiki(pedia)!: development of a structured Wiki-based encyclopedia within a local Austrian context

Published: 07 July 2010 Publication History


Although the success of online encyclopedias such as Wiki-pedia is indisputable, researchers have questioned usefulness of Wikipedia in educational settings. Problems such as copy&paste syndrome, unchecked quality, or fragmentation of knowledge have been recognized as serious drawbacks for a wide spread application of Wikipedia in universities or high schools. In this paper we present a Wiki-based encyclopedia called Austria-Forum that aims to combine openness and collaboration aspects of Wikipedia with approaches to build a structured, quality inspected, and context-sensitive online encyclopedia. To ensure tractability of the publishing process the system focuses on providing information within a local Austrian context. It is our experience that such an approach represents a first step of a proper application of online encyclopedias in educational settings.


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  1. The Austrian way of Wiki(pedia)!: development of a structured Wiki-based encyclopedia within a local Austrian context



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    WikiSym '10: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
    July 2010
    178 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 07 July 2010


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    1. Austria-forum
    2. Wiki
    3. context-aware Wiki
    4. local Wiki
    5. structured Wiki


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