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Active learning for ranking through expected loss optimization

Published: 19 July 2010 Publication History


Learning to rank arises in many information retrieval applications, ranging from Web search engine, online advertising to recommendation system. In learning to rank, the performance of a ranking model is strongly affected by the number of labeled examples in the training set; on the other hand, obtaining labeled examples for training data is very expensive and time-consuming. This presents a great need for the active learning approaches to select most informative examples for ranking learning; however, in the literature there is still very limited work to address active learning for ranking. In this paper, we propose a general active learning framework, Expected Loss Optimization (ELO), for ranking. The ELO framework is applicable to a wide range of ranking functions. Under this framework, we derive a novel algorithm, Expected DCG Loss Optimization (ELO-DCG), to select most informative examples. Furthermore, we investigate both query and document level active learning for raking and propose a two-stage ELO-DCG algorithm which incorporate both query and document selection into active learning. Extensive experiments on real-world Web search data sets have demonstrated great potential and effective-ness of the proposed framework and algorithms.


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  1. Active learning for ranking through expected loss optimization



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    SIGIR '10: Proceedings of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval
    July 2010
    944 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 19 July 2010


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    1. active learning
    2. expected loss optimization
    3. ranking


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