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View all- Huang KDeng YChuang M(2012)Static and dynamic user portraitsAdvances in Human-Computer Interaction10.1155/2012/1237252012(2-2)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) support the driver in certain traffic situations and can increase road safety. For this appropriate interaction, concepts between the driver and the assistance systems are required, which focuses on ...
Autonomous vehicle will change the user behavior completely; therefore, needs for exploring the user's future experience in the autonomous environment are required. The objective of our study is to explore the direction of design of autonomous vehicle ...
To comprehensively analyze the factors influencing the severity of truck turning traffic accidents, we selected data from 283 such accidents in Tianjin from 2010 to 2013. The severity of accidents was taken as the dependent variable, while 13 potential ...
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