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Designing for high expectations: balancing ambiguity and thorough specification in the design of a wayfinding tool for firefighters

Published: 16 August 2010 Publication History


Ambiguity has been identified as a useful tool for designing ubicomp systems. In the design of safety critical systems, however, the expectations for a system are particularly high, and goals of the technology are rigidly defined. In this context is not clear if open ended systems can still be used as a tool for design. In this paper we present a detailed account of the design process of an indoor wayfinding support tool for firefighters, in which ambiguity played a central role in driving the construction of the system. Based on an ongoing work covering more than a year of close collaboration with a heterogeneous team of project partners, we present some implications of using ambiguity for designing ubiquitous computing solutions in a domain that traditionally requires more formal specifications for the construction of technology.


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  1. Designing for high expectations: balancing ambiguity and thorough specification in the design of a wayfinding tool for firefighters



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    DIS '10: Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
    August 2010
    457 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 16 August 2010


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    1. context awareness
    2. firefighting
    3. indoor navigation
    4. interaction design
    5. ubiquitous computing
    6. wayfinding


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    • (2018)Is the Frontier Shifting into the Right Direction? A Qualitative Analysis of Acceptance Factors for Novel Firefighter Information TechnologiesInformation Systems Frontiers10.1007/s10796-017-9785-820:4(669-692)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018
    • (2013)A Concept for Support of Firefighter Frontline CommunicationFuture Internet10.3390/fi50201135:2(113-127)Online publication date: 16-Apr-2013
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