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Fusion4D: real-time performance capture of challenging scenes

Published:11 July 2016Publication History
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We contribute a new pipeline for live multi-view performance capture, generating temporally coherent high-quality reconstructions in real-time. Our algorithm supports both incremental reconstruction, improving the surface estimation over time, as well as parameterizing the nonrigid scene motion. Our approach is highly robust to both large frame-to-frame motion and topology changes, allowing us to reconstruct extremely challenging scenes. We demonstrate advantages over related real-time techniques that either deform an online generated template or continually fuse depth data nonrigidly into a single reference model. Finally, we show geometric reconstruction results on par with offline methods which require orders of magnitude more processing time and many more RGBD cameras.

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Index Terms

  1. Fusion4D: real-time performance capture of challenging scenes



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      ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 35, Issue 4
      July 2016
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      • Published: 11 July 2016
      Published in tog Volume 35, Issue 4

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