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Transforming programs and tests in tandem for fault localization

Published:12 October 2017Publication History
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Localizing failure-inducing code is essential for software debugging. Manual fault localization can be quite tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming. Therefore, a huge body of research e orts have been dedicated to automated fault localization. Spectrum-based fault localization, the most intensively studied fault localization approach based on test execution information, may have limited effectiveness, since a code element executed by a failed tests may not necessarily have impact on the test outcome and cause the test failure. To bridge the gap, mutation-based fault localization has been proposed to transform the programs under test to check the impact of each code element for better fault localization. However, there are limited studies on the effectiveness of mutation-based fault localization on sufficient number of real bugs. In this paper, we perform an extensive study to compare mutation-based fault localization techniques with various state-of-the-art spectrum-based fault localization techniques on 357 real bugs from the Defects4J benchmark suite. The study results firstly demonstrate the effectiveness of mutation-based fault localization, as well as revealing a number of guidelines for further improving mutation-based fault localization. Based on the learnt guidelines, we further transform test outputs/messages and test code to obtain various mutation information. Then, we propose TraPT, an automated Learning-to-Rank technique to fully explore the obtained mutation information for effective fault localization. The experimental results show that TraPT localizes 65.12% and 94.52% more bugs within Top-1 than state-of-the-art mutation and spectrum based techniques when using the default setting of LIBSVM.


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  1. Transforming programs and tests in tandem for fault localization



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