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Challenges in designing interactive systems for emergency response

Published: 26 June 2006 Publication History


This paper presents research on participatory design of interactive systems for emergency response. We present the work by going through the design method with a focus on the new elements that we developed for the participatory design toolkit, in particular we emphasize the use of challenges and visions as ways to bridge between fieldwork and literature studies on the one hand and the emerging computer based prototypes on the other. Our case concerns design of innovative interactive systems for support in emergency response, including patient identification and monitoring as well as construction and maintenance of a situational overview.


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  1. Challenges in designing interactive systems for emergency response



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                                cover image ACM Conferences
                                DIS '06: Proceedings of the 6th conference on Designing Interactive systems
                                June 2006
                                384 pages
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                                Association for Computing Machinery

                                New York, NY, United States

                                Publication History

                                Published: 26 June 2006


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                                Author Tags

                                1. design visions
                                2. emergency response
                                3. palpable computing
                                4. participatory design
                                5. prototyping
                                6. ubiquitous computing


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                                DIS06: Designing Interactive Systems 2006
                                June 26 - 28, 2006
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